Travel comfortably and get refreshed!

There is nothing better than travelling and getting refreshed during your trip. Many people experience discomfort while travelling. But this following mistformula will help you have an enjoyable trip!

Μix the following essential oils and pure water in a mist sprayer and shake well before using:
lemon 35 drops
lavender 35 drops
chamomile 35 drops
cinnamon 35 drops
pure water 120 ml
Mist numerous times while travelling and inhale deeply. Be sure to close your eyes to avoid any eye irritation.
Essential oils not only produce a wonderfully scented atmosghere, but they provide a multitude of desirable effects. As it is well known in Aromatherapy, when inhaling an aroma, the olfactory cells transmit a direct signal to the brains memory bank.
Pregnant women, babies and highly alergic people should take extra care when using essential oils. The above given formula is a gentle one and these oils are considered safe when used in small amounts.
Aromatherapy is accomplished by using the right essential oils in various ways such as massage, bath, inhalations, and evaporators and greatly affects our mood and combat the aches and pains in mild conditions.
In our handmade natural olive oil soaps Rania K. we use selected essential oils for the beneficial physical properties of aromatherapy, and therefore those who use our soaps feel wellness, refreshed and relaxed from the stress.
We know first hand the huge benefits of Aromatherapy and so we offer you this mist formula wishing you a great summer and good journeys with Rania K. natural products!
Many greetings,

Rania K.